Data and R-code on a cross-sectional study on epidemiological factors associated with lameness in small-scale grazing dairy farms visited twice in 2015 in Brazil
The data corresponds to a cross-sectional study on lameness (abnormal locomotion) in grazing dairy cows. The study was designed to assess the lameness occurrence and the associated epidemiological factors on a sample of herds in Brazil. We found a high occurrence of lameness in cows in the visited farms, however the prevalence and incidence was very variable. Additionally we describe some epidemiological factors associated with lameness both at the cow-and herd-level. Please note that due to the cross-sectional nature of the study, causal inferences on the associations should be avoided. Additional information on the interpretation of data can be found on the manuscript that we published previously:
Steps to reproduce
Run the R-code (html document) to reproduce the analyses using the data (csv) for each level (cow- and herd-level). More information is available on the html documents.