Influence of Sea Level Rise on Storm Erosion Potential in New Jersey

Published: 22 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8ffns74x74.1


The data quantifies storm intensity by erosion potential for historical storms under three scenarios: (1) as occurred in the historical record; (2) detrended to remove the observed influence sea level rise; (3) the observed storm with the added effects of 12 IPCC sea level rise scenarios for 2050 and 2100 Storm intensity is quantified using the three main drivers of erosion; namely the combined effects of water levels, wave height and duration. Storm metrics are provided to characterize both the cumulative (SEI) and peak (PEI) measures of storm intensity. The dataset provides over 90 storms with hourly timeseries and bulk statistics to be used by coastal engineers, managers and climate scientists as an input in coastal hazard and morphologic analysis. This dataset can be used to evaluate potential storm impacts under historical and projected sea level scenarios. Similar to existing datasets (e.g., Hurdat or NACCS), an hourly timeseries of water levels and wave heights is provided. However the distinguishing feature is the analysis of erosion potential does not explicitly differentiate between tropical and extratropical storms, allowing direct comparison of all storms and particularly atypical storms. Analysis in this manner provides an advantage when morphologic changes are the principle area of interest.



Stevens Institute of Technology


Climatology, Climate Change, Coastal Hazard, Storm, Coastal Erosion, Coastal Defense
