
Published: 19 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8gc9m5y9by.1
Jennifer Liu


This data repository contains data files from the WVU_JAL_CJL manuscript assessing the role of repeated phase advances and chronic jet lag and its involvement as a risk factor for vascular cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID) in aged mice. This data repository contains an excel sheet with animal identification data, body mass changes across experimental timelines, and survival that correspond with behavioral results from Y-maze, open field test, toned-fear conditioning named "CJL Data - Cohort 1" and "CJL Data - Cohort 2". These replicates and datasets were collapsed for analyses in single Graphpad Prism Files "CJL - Survival" including Survival Analyses, and "CJL - Behavioral Data" including body mass, and behavioral datasets. In a separate file includes vascular datasets and excel sheets from resin perfused vascular casted mice included in Figure 6. A separate powerpoint file includes Figures 1-6. All analyses were conducted using GraphPad Prism 9, and file availability is included in these files sorted into Folders accordingly.



Circadian Rhythm, Aging, Mouse Model
