The evaluation of personnel selection methods by HR practitioners: The effect of reference and its interaction with information about validity

Published: 15 September 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/8ggdkdp46r.2
Jakub Prochazka, Jakub Nováček, Martin Vaculik


The study was an online administered between-subjects experiment. The online survey was completed by 173 Czech HR professionals who were recruited through Linkedin. Dependent variables: Participants assessed the suitability and quality of 6 personnel selection methods. Treatments: One of four randomly selected versions of the survey appeared. These versions differed in the presence or absence of a positive reference (to companies that use the method) and the presence or absence of information on the predictive validity of the selection methods. Control variables: The participants were asked whether they were familiar with each of the methods before completing the survey.



Masarykova univerzita


Human Resource Management, Czech Republic, Employee Selection
