The row data presented in Data of combination effect of atovaquone, mefloquine and 3-bromopyruvic acid against Echinococcus multilocularis protoscoleces.

Published: 3 October 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8gx4p2x5vw.1
hirokazu kouguchi


The dataset presented here is related to a previous research article titled “Mitochondrial Complex III in Larval Stage of Echinococcus multilocularis as a Potential Chemotherapeutic Target and in vivo Efficacy of Atovaquone Against Primary Hydatid Cysts”[1]. In this report, data were collected by aerobic and anaerobic culture assay of E. multilocularis protscoleces in the presence of 3 anti-echinococcal drug candidates (atovaquone, mefloquine and 3-bromopropionic acid). The data were analyzed by viability of the protoscoleces between day 0 to day 7 from adding drug candidates. In aerobic condition, all drug candidates gave damage to the protoscoleces as described previously [1, 2, 3, 4]. Mefroquine alone and combination use of atovaquone with mefloquine immediately eliminated the protoscoleces while combination of atovaquone with 3-bromopyruvic acid did not showed clear synergy effect. In anaerobic condition, mefloquine alone and combination of atovaquone with mefloquine eliminated protoscoleces immadiately. 3-bromopyruvic acid showed stronger efficacy than that of aerobic condition. Furthermore, combination of atvaquone with 3-bromopruvic acid eliminated the protoscoleces, indicated synergy effect appeared under only anaerobic condition. The data clarified combination use of these three drug eliminated protoscoleces in both aerobic- and anaerobic conditon, which suggested that these could inhibit Echinococcus multilocularis aerobic and anaerobic respiration pathways in vivo. The data would be useful for the development of new drug dosing method for alveolar echinococosis.



Data Analysis
