Downloadable Files: Tonal Optimization of Bells Utilizing Evolutionary Shape Optimization
Published: 17 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8hkvyyxhwk.1
Simon ThomasDescription
Additional downloadable content for the publication: Tonal Optimization of Bells Utilizing Gradient Based Boundary Shape Optimization. Inclusions: Step file of manufactured bell model. Prototype audio recordings. Digital Sample Tones.
Steps to reproduce
High resolution meshing of the STEP file in an FEA software package utilizing aluminium material with properties: E=68.9e9 Pa, nu=0.33, rho=2700kg/m^3. Unrestrained model Shifted frequency search range [1,20000]Hz Solve for 60+ mode shapes.
University of Sydney
Optimization in Structural Design, Musical Acoustics