The Effect of The Growth Mindset Strategies on Self-efficacy, Self-regulation, Metacognitive Skills and Math Achievement Among Socio-economic Disadvantaged Students
These file shows quantitative data were obtained through the Mindset Scale, Self-efficacy Scale, Self-regulation Scale, Metacognitive Skills Scale and Academic Achievement Test before and after the growth-mindset intervention. The study group of the research consists of 57 eighth grade students (experimental group: 28; control group: 29) who showed low academic success in national screening exams and are studying in a socio-economically disadvantaged secondary school in a province in the Marmara Region in the 2023-2024 academic year. In the current research, certain criteria were taken into account in determining the sample in accordance with the purpose of the research. One of these criteria is the age of the students and the period they are in. 57 students aged between 13-14, also defined as adolescence, were included in the implementation process of the research.
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Embedded mixed method was adopted in the research. Data were collected through the Self-Efficacy Scale, Self-Regulation Scale, Metacognitive Skills Scale, Mindset Scale and Academic Achievement Test, Pre-During-Post Application Semi-structured Interview Forms and Observation Form. Before and after the intervention, the Self-Efficacy Scale, Self-Regulation Scale, Metacognitive Skills Scale, Implicit Theory Intelligence Scale [ITIS], and Academic Achievement Test were applied to the experimental and control groups. In addition, observations and semi-structured student interviews were conducted before, during and after the intervention. The self-regulation, self-efficacy and metacognitive skills scale was developed by Pintrinch and De Groot (1990) and adapted into Turkish by Üredi (2005). Its adapted name into Turkish is the "Motivational Strategies for Learning Scale" and is a 7-point Likert type. Necessary permission for the use of the scale was received from Üredi via e-mail. The Implicit Intelligence Theories Scale for Children (abbreviated as the Mindset Scale in the current study) was developed by Dweck (1999) and adapted into Turkish by the researcher. In the process of adapting the scale to Turkish, the necessary permission was obtained for the adaptation and use of the scale by first contacting Carol Dweck, who developed the scale, via e-mail. The academic achievement test, which aims to measure academic success in mathematics, was developed by researchers. The questions were prepared based on the 8th grade mathematics topics (Factors and Multiples, Exponents, Square Root Expressions, Data Analysis, Probability, Algebraic Expressions and Identities) of the 2023-2024 academic year fall semester. It is multiple choice and consists of 20 questions.