Data in: Microbial parasites influence food-web persistence and stability during a cyanobacteria outbreak
Data used in a food-web model (Linear Inverse Model) for a microbial ecosystem in Lake Aydat (45°39’48’’N, 002°59’04’’E) as published in ISME Journal (Haraldsson et al. in press). Samples were collected every 3 days from the 9th of September to the 27th of October 2010, resulting in 17 sampling occasions. Two discrete depths were sampled during each sampling date, 1) at a constant discrete subsurface depth at 0.5 m (referred to as “upper” depth), and 2) from 1 to 4 m depth depended on the maximum depth of fluorescence determined in situ from the vertical pigment profiles obtained by a BBE Fluoroprobe®, Moldaenke, Germany (referred to as “lower” depth). The two depths were averaged and depth integrated based on the epilimnon depth. Data includes biomasses and abundances for several planktonic organisms, including viruses and bacteria, and infection parameters related to viral infections of bacteria and phytoplankton, as well as infection of Dolichospermum macrosporum by parasitic chytrids. The depth integrated average value of the epi- and metalimnon (m-2) are reported here since these were the data used directly in the food-web model (codes given within parenthesis below corresponds to the codes reported in Haraldsson et al. (in press)), and where relevant, values from epi- and metalimnon are reported (typically in cubic meter, m-3). The species or genus specific biomasses of zooplankton were used to calculate diet constraints in the food-web model. The complete list of depth integrated biomasses, the sampling procedures and data description of each variable are described in detail in Haraldsson et al. (in press). Variable description can be found in the document “Haraldsson et al_Data description.pdf”. References: Haraldsson M, Gerphagnon M, Bazin P, Colombet J, Tecchio S, Sime-Ngando T, Niquil N. Microbial parasites make cyanobacteria blooms less of a trophic dead-end than commonly assumed. ISME Journal (in press) Behrenfeld MJ, Falkowski PG (1997). A consumer’s guide to phytoplankton primary production models. Limnology and Oceanography 42:1479-1491
Steps to reproduce
The detailed sampling procedures, analyses and calculations needed to reproduce the data can be found in Haraldsson et al. (in press). The following data can be used to model a microbial ecosystem in Lake Aydat during 17 discrete time steps using a Linear Inverse Model (LIM), as reported in Haraldsson et al. (in press). The structure of the model (Table A2 in Haraldsson et al. (in press)) and complementary data is reported in the article. The authors used the R software and the libraries “LIM” and “NetIndices” to build and analyze the foodwebs. The model can be built by reproducing the structure of the model (Table A2 in Haraldsson et al. (in press)) using a “declaration file” (a tool in the LIM package), and by including the data reported here and in Haraldsson et al. (in press). Detailed settings used during modeling are reported in the article.