Results Data for the Circular City and Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage Opportunity Index

Published: 16 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8jzr4f5khr.1


The data file provides the results data for the article, "Circular City and Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage Index: Measuring the Investment Opportunity in Europe" written by Dr. Gillian Foster and Dr. Ruba Saleh. The study analyzed activities and resources of cities concerning their circular economy strategies and the rehabilitation and reuse of cultural heritage buildings. It proposes the new composite "Circular City ARCH Investment Opportunity Index". The data file includes the scores and ranking of 190 cities located in 30 European countries.


Steps to reproduce

The authors developed the Circular City ARCH Investment Opportunity Index (Index) using the European Commission Joint Research Centre's Composite Indicators and Scoreboards (COIN) Tool ( In general, the authors applied the European Commission Joint Research Centre's Composite Indicators and Scoreboards (COIN) Tool User Guide (Becker, W., Benavente, D., Dominguez-Torreiro, M., Moura, C., Neves, A., Saisana, M., & Vertesy, D. (2019). COIN Tool User Guide. In J. R. Centre (Ed.), (Vol. JRC118407): European Commission). The fifteen indicators were selected from credible, publicly available sources as noted in the article.


Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien Department fur Soziookonomie


Culture Heritage, Urban Sustainability, Circular Economy, Urban Analysis, Architectural Heritage
