Public corruption Dataset: Supplementary material
This dataset consists of two databases, used as supplementary material in the manuscript " Assessing the effectiveness of the fight against public-sector corruption in Mauritius: Perception v Reality", which will be published in the International Journal of Law, Crime, and Justice. The first database (Appendix A) consists of a sampling frame drawn from the official list of voters, compiled by the Electoral Commission of Mauritius. A random stratified sampling method was used and the sample consisted of 600 voters from the 20 constituencies of Mauritius and was representative of the voting population. Thereafter a questionnaire was administered to these selected persons to gauge their opinion on the perceived seriousness of the phenomenon of public-sector corruption in Mauritius and the perceived effectiveness of the Independent Commission against Corruption(ICAC) in fighting public corruption. The second database( Appendix B) is an analytical framework which consists of an analysis of judgments in respect of persons who were found guilty for offences of corruption under the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002. The judgments were examined and analysed using a Content Analysis framework to determine the prosecutorial efficacy of the ICAC, Only corruption cases prosecuted under the Prevention of Corruption Act 2002 (PoCA) were considered in the research. The findings reveal that citizens have a negative opinion on ICAC’s effectiveness and this perception is validated by the content analysis exercise which confirmed the poor performance of the ICAC in prosecuting public officials charged with corruption offences.