Loss in life expectancy in patients with stage II-III cutaneous melanoma in Sweden: a population-based cohort study
Supplementary data to the article: Loss in life expectancy in Patients with Stage II-III cutaneous melanoma in Sweden: a population-based cohort study Supplemental figure 1. Flowchart of the total number of patients with invasive cutaneous melanoma (CM) identified from the Swedish Melanoma Registry (SweMR) and exclusions. Supplemental figure 2. Life expectancy (LE) following a CM diagnosis by age, sex, and stage at diagnosis, with 95% confidence intervals (in black dashed lines). Blue lines correspond to the LE of the general population (in the absence of CM). Supplemental figure 3. The proportion of life lost (PLL) following a CM diagnosis by age, sex, and stage at diagnosis with 95% confidence intervals (in dashed lines). Supplemental figure 4. LE following a cutaneous melanoma (CM) diagnosis by age and stage at diagnosis of stage II-III CM for males (a) and females (b), respectively, with 95% confidence intervals (in dashed lines). Blue lines correspond to the LE of the general population (in the absence of CM). Supplemental figure 5. Loss in life expectancy (LLE) following a cutaneous melanoma (CM) diagnosis by age and stage at diagnosis of stage II-III CM for males (a) and females (b), respectively, with 95% confidence intervals (in dashed lines). Supplemental figure 6. PLL following a cutaneous melanoma (CM) diagnosis by age and stage at diagnosis of stage II-III CM for males (a) and females (b), respectively, with 95% confidence intervals (in dashed lines). Supplemental table 1. Clinical characteristics of stage II-III CM patients diagnosed in Sweden between 2005 and 2018. Supplemental table 2. Age-specific estimates of LE (in years), LLE (in years) and PLL (%) after a CM diagnosis by stage for males, with 95% confidence intervals. Supplemental table 3. Age-specific estimates of LE (in years), LLE (in years) and PLL (%) after a CM diagnosis by stage for females, with 95% confidence intervals.