Tensile, perforation and tearing tests in mild steel plate at diverse test velocities

Published: 30 July 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/8k43xh5fv8.2
Miguel Angel Gonzales Calle


Experimental data related to uniaxial tensile, perforation and III-mode fracture tearing tests at different test velocities in mild steel plate of 0.25 mm thickness so inducing strain rates in the range of 0.01 to 800 1/s.


Steps to reproduce

Tensile tests were performed in universal testing machine, dynamic electric testing machine and Hopkinson bar. Small tensile samples have a reduced section of 5 mm length x 4 mm width and an effective length of 6.15 calibrated numerically. Perforation tests were performed in universal testing machine, dynamic electric testing machine and drop weight machine. Samples are circular plates with 80 mm diameter, constrained completely in their perimeter. The rigid indenter has a 90 degrees cone smoothed by a 3.4 mm radius. The mass of the falling mass is 0.76 kg. Tearing tests were performed in universal testing machine and dynamic electric testing machine. The sample is a III-mode fracture with two strips of 12.5 mm width each, separated by the vertical movement of the machine's grips, so to propagate a crack. The geometry and dimensions of the samples for tensile and tearing tests are also presented.


Universidade de Sao Paulo Escola Politecnica, Aalto-yliopisto Sovelletun mekaniikan laitos


Penetration Testing, Strain Rate, Tensile Testing, Mixed Mode Fracture, Experimental Mechanics, Experimental Solid Mechanics
