Family planning and associated factors among HIV positive married women of reproductive age in rural hills and mountains of Far Western Nepal
We conducted a cross sectional survey to assess contraceptive use, unmet need for contraception and associated factors among women living with HIV of reproductive age in rural hills and mountains of Far Western Nepal
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Study Variables Primary outcome measures include current use of contraception and unmet need for contraception. Other study variables include age, educational status (attained formal education or not), employment status, marital status, family type (joint or nuclear), contraceptive methods, reasons for not using contraceptives, postpartum breastfeeding status, access to FP services and CD4 counts. Tools and technique of data collection We used face-to-face interview method for data collection. For the purpose of collecting information from the participants, self-designed data collection proforma was developed. It was in Nepali language. Data collectors were recruited. Orientation training on data collection was provided to the data collectors for three days. Pre-testing was done and then necessary correction was made on the proforma. A community based survey was done in the selected rural municipalities to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics, reproductive health and contraceptive practices of the participants. Data were collected between November and December 2021. The principal investigator visited each rural municipality at least once during the data collection period and verified at least 10% of the proforma filled by the data collectors to ensure that they were filled accurately. Data entry and statistical analysis Data were entered into IBM SPSS statistic V.20 for Windows. Categorical variables such as educational status, employment status, marital status, family type, contraceptive use and methods, unmet need for FP, and reasons for not using contraceptives were summarized as percentages. For continuous variables like age and CD4 count, we calculated mean, median and standard deviation. Age and CD4 counts were further categorized into groups; 15 to 35 years, and above 35 years (as age grouping) and up to 500 cubic milliliter and above 500 cubic milliliter (as CD4 groupings).