Data for: Transferring decisions to an algorithm: A simple route choice experiment

Published: 23 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8kvj6mzpkf.1
Carina Goldbach, Thomas Pitz, Jörn Sickmann, Deniz Kayar


Participants were instructed to make a choice between a main road M and a side road S in order to travel from A to B. The participants’ payoffs depend on their respective travel time needed. Two treatments with different information have been investigated as it is expected that additional information leads to a different travel behavior and possibly even to a different willingness to delegate to the computer. Both treatments consist of six sessions, resulting in a total of 216 participants. In the first treatment, participants received feedback after every period about their last chosen route, the travel time of the chosen route, their payoff of the last period in ECUs, their cumulative payoff in ECUs and the number of the current period. In the second treatment, players received additional feedback about the travel time on the non-chosen route in the last period. Subjects had the possibility to delegate their decision to the computer C that decided according to a learning algorithm which simulates real human decision making in the given situation (see paper).



Behavioral Economics
