Data for- Heterosexual, gay, and lesbian people’s reactivity to virtual caresses on their embodied avatars’ taboo zones

Published: 11 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8kxs53fhj4.1
Martina Fusaro, Matteo P. Lisi, Gaetano Tieri, Salvatore Maria Aglioti


Embodying an artificial agent through immersive virtual reality (IVR) may lead to feeling vicariously somatosensory stimuli on one’s body which are in fact never delivered. To explore whether vicarious touch in IVR reflects the basic individual and social features of real-life interpersonal interactions we tested heterosexual men/women and gay men/lesbian women reacting subjectively and physiologically to the observation of a gender-matched virtual body being touched on intimate, taboo zones (like genitalia) by male and female avatars. All participants rated as most erogenous caresses on their embodied avatar taboo zones. Crucially, heterosexual men/women and gay men/lesbian women rated as most erogenous taboo touches delivered by their opposite and same gender avatar, respectively. Skin conductance was maximal when taboo touches were delivered by female avatars. Our study shows that IVR may trigger realistic experiences and ultimately allow the direct exploration of sensitive societal and individual issues that can otherwise be explored only through imagination.


Steps to reproduce

The files contain unprocessed and processed data from the study "Touched by vision: Heterosexual, gay and lesbian people’s reactivity to virtual caresses on their embodied avatars’ taboo zones". Data processing procedures are described both in the main text and supplementary information.


Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Fondazione Santa Lucia Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia


Virtual Reality, Touch, Psychophysiology
