Level of interaction of citizens with Local self-governance institutions in Syria: Results of 'Development Assets' surveys for the issues covering the period from Sep. 2018 to Aug. 2021.
The provided data is compiled from issues published by the Syrian initiative "Development Assets" which triennially publishes the results of surveys conducted among activists in Syria regarding their interaction with and opinions of different non-governmental and governmental organizations, including local self-governance institutions. This data set includes results from 9 issues: 2018 (T3 - September to December), 2019 (T1 - January - April), T2 ( May - August), T3, 2020 (T1,T2,T3) and 2021 (T1, T2). The selected data from the issues is provided in excel files. The survey samples for the studied period can be find in the file titled "Sample Development Assets sample selection for the period between 2018 T1 and 2021 T2". In Table S1 are presented the percentages of respondents' answers regarding the degree in which they believe in the ability of community action to influence the local development process. Table S2 presents the percentage of respondents' answers regarding the degree in which they believe in the ability of local administration personnel and elected officials to influence the local development process. Answer options are: "Not capable at all", "Not Capable", "Neutral", "Capable", "Very Capable", and "I don't know". Tables S1 and S2 do not provide data for 2018 (T3). In Table S3 are presented respondents' average ratings of the degree of interaction of different governmental and non-governmental actors with the needs of the local community. Data is provided for each studied trimester, as well as the average of all studied trimesters per year. The rating is given on a scale from 1 - 5 (1 responds to least interactive and 5 - most interactive). The studied actors are: Municipality, Neighbourhood committees , Mukhtar, NGOs , Religious, Institutions, Media, Government media, Private media, Social media, Private companies, Influential individuals, Unions and public organisations, Service-related institutions, International organizations. It is important to note that in 2018 T3, media was considered as one category, whereas in consequent trimesters Government media, Private media and Social media are considered separately. Data for Unions and Public Organizations is provided starting from 2019 T1, and for International organizations and Service-related institutions - from 2019 T2. Table S4 presents respondents' average ratings of their satisfaction with basic services provided in their areas (Health, Education, Telecommunication, Internet , Electricity, Water, Cleanliness, Fuel, Safety and Security, and Transport). In 2018, Internet and Communication were rated together, whereas in consequent trimesters they are divided into two separate categories, Telecommunication and Internet. In 2019 T1, data was provided for "Fuel for home use" and "Fuel for other use" separately. In all other trimesters they are provided jointly in one category "Fuel". Data for satisfaction with transport is provided starting 2019 T1.
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The data in this data set can be found in the Development Assets issues covering the period from September 2018 to August 2021. https://developmentassets.org/en/ The issues provide a lot of information, however, for my research, I have compiled the data regarding: 1- Activists' belief in the ability of community action to influence the local development process 2- Activists' belief in the ability of local administration personnel and elected officials to influence the local development process 3- The degree of interaction of different governmental and non-governmental actors with the needs of the local community from the activists' point of view. 4- Respondents' satisfaction with basic services provided in their areas. Please make sure to cite Development Assets when using this material. All issues can be found via this link: https://developmentassets.org/en/