Virtual Dark Therapy by Use of Amber Lenses: Potential Outpatient Use in Clients with High Functioning Bipolar I Disorder Data

Published: 16 May 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/8mxfkgfdj6.2
Erica Freeman


Virtual dark therapy by use of amber lenses as an effective treatment for Bipolar Disorder. In this case study, a patient with high functioning Bipolar I Disorder used amber lenses as virtual dark therapy, discontinuing medication within one year of use and remaining emotionally stable. At follow up, she used medication for six weeks the first summer, then four weeks the following summer, reducing the number of weeks per year that she used medication from 52 to 6, then from 52 to 4. Data was gathered using a Bipolar Symptom Tracker (see data), the Ham -D, and YMRS. The Ham-D and YMRS were compiled prior to treatment and at post-treatment. Using the Bipolar Symptom Tracker, symptoms were tracked daily for one year prior to treatment, during treatment, and follow up sessions.


Steps to reproduce

Select a participant. Measure their moods using the Ham-D and YMRS. Have them track their symptoms for a year with no treatment other than treatment as usual (TAU) using the tracking form attached. At the start of year 2, have them initiate the treatment protocol using amber lenses (AL) from 6 pm to bed, sleep in a pitch-black. room, and use tAL from waking to 8 am. They will continue tracking their symptoms using the tracking tool. At the 2 year mark, the Ham-D and YMRS are measured again. Follow up sessions occur at the 21/2 year mark and the 31/2 year mark. Tracking sheets and AL should continue through these follow up booster sessions.


Alternative Medicine, Circadian Rhythm, Bipolar Disorder, Natural Remedy, Type I of Bipolar Disorder, Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder
