Soil respiration of spruce-fir forests at the carbon supersite "Ural-Carbon", Russia, Sverdlovsk region on 2021-2022

Published: 17 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8ns8zprx9c.1
Ivan Smorkalov


Mean values of soil respiration in spruce-fir forests of Middle Ural (Russia). Based on 2760 measurements of SR for autumn 2021 and may-november 2022


Steps to reproduce

The rate of CO2 flux from the soil surface was measured using the closed dynamic chamber method [2] with the Li-8100A gas analyzer (Li-Cor Biosciences, USA). Prior to each measurement, stainless steel rings with a diameter of 10.5 cm and a height of 5 cm were installed, inserted into the soil to a depth of 3 cm, and the green parts of the plants were trimmed. Subsequently, the instrument chamber was placed on the ring. The du-ration of each measurement was 1 minute The research was conducted in spruce-fir stands (plot of the "Kourovka" supersite) on three clusters (Figure 1). Each cluster comprised 2 sites located at two levels of riv-erside terraces: lower and upper (height difference of 25-27 m). On each plot, three sample plots of 3x15-20 m were established, radiating in different directions from the hypothetical center of the site. In total, 18 sample plots were established. Measurements were taken at 10 random points within each sample plot


Institut ekologii rastenij i zivotnyh UrO RAN, Ural'skij federal'nyj universitet imeni pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B N El'cina


Soil Respiration
