Effects of enzyme additives and Lactobacillus plantarum on the bacterial community as determined of Medicago sativa silageby Illumina sequencing

Published: 8 December 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8nyv3463sx.1
Zong Fu HU


more and more research are used new technique to investigate bacterial community of silage, such as next generation sequencing. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of enzymes (cellulase combined with alpha-galactosidase), Lactobacillus plantarum (LP), and combinations of these enzymes with LP on the bacterial diversity and fermentation quality of alfalfa silage. Three repetitions for each treated were evaluated by ensiling for 56 days: (1) control with no additives; (2) treated with enzyme (a mix of cellulase and alpha-galactosidase) (EN), 2.5g/kg forgae of each enzyme; (3) 1 ×1 ×107 CFU/g LP; (4) 2.5g/kg forgae of EN combined with 1 ×107 CFU/g LP (CENLP). Illumina sequencing was used to reveal the bacterial community of these silage. As revealed by data, treatment of the silage significantly changed the bacterial community, as determined by the PCoA test. At the class level, Bacilli and Clostridia were predominant in the untreated silage, with abundances of 51.21% and 37.08%, respectively, while only Bacilli dominated the bacterial communities of all the treated silages, with an abundance of 94.98% in the EN silage, 98.61% in the LP silage, 98.57% in the ENLP silage. Gammaproteobacteria were present in all the silages. At the genus level, Garciella, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus and Pediococcus were predominant in the control silage, while Lactobacillus and Pediococcus were predominant in the EN silage, and Lactobacillus was predominant in the LP, ENLP silages. As showed below, 1_1 to 1_3 represent three samples of each treated silage. 1_1 to 1_3 represent control silage, 2_1 to 2_3 represent EN silage, 3_1 to 3_3 represent LP silage, 4_1 to 4_3 represent ENLP silage.



Diversity of Microorganism, Silage, Ruminant Nutrition, Alfalfa, Illumina MiSeq
