Depositional Architecture of Pleistocene Barrier Revealed by Ground-Penetrating Radar Data at Paraná Coast, Southern Brazil

Published: 22 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8pcyxv2rg6.1


The dataset includes the raw GPR and kmz with vibrocore,gpr profiles and dating location.


Steps to reproduce

The GPR data were obtained with a GSSI™ (Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc.) SIR-3000 collector with a 200 MHz center frequency antenna to Superagui profile and IDS colector to Paranguá profiles. The arrangement employed was Common Off-set, and frequency and gain filters were used during acquisition. The dielectric constant (10) chosen for the survey represents an average interval velocity of 0.09 m/ns. ). The field records were processed and interpreted using PRISM™ 2.6 and Reflex softwares.


Universidade Federal do Parana


Ground-Penetrating Radar, Pleistocene, Coastal Evolution
