Financial Data for Paper Default Forecasting

Published: 12 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8pddfk9y9h.1
Michael Peng


The files stored here are : 1) raw data in Excel (Name : Financial Data of all firms.xlsx) , 2) source code (in Python), name "ensemble_learning.ipynb and 3) Read Me file associated with the Source code---all were used to support the research paper " Forecasting China Bond Default with Severe Class-Imbalanced Data: A Simple Learning Model with Causal Inference " , submitted to Economic Modeling. i) The majority of the raw data were sourced from East Money, one major financial data vendor in China; Some variables were directly taken from the raw data (e.g. standard financial metrics); some were computed ones. All are organized and stored in the Excel files attached ii) The Python code takes the data file as inputs, with each column being the



Corporate Finance, Credit Market
