Impact of Digital Economy on High-quality Economic Development in Emerging Economies: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis

Published: 3 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8pj3hx3ybt.1
, Shahnawaz Ahmed


This data has been used to investigate the impact of the Digital Economy on High-Quality Economic Development in Emerging Economies. We utilize this data for a systematic literature review (SLR) and meta-analysis to examine the impact and relationship between the digital economy and HQED, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. For a quantitative summary and overall conclusion, we used meta-analysis, retaining studies that reported vital statistics such as β, Standard Error (SE) of β, t-value, number of predictors, and number of observations. These statistics were used to calculate the effect size for the present study, which was the Partial Correlation Coefficient (PCC). The SLR for the present study included the following stages: I. Literature Search using (Scopus, Emerald, Science Direct, and WOS) and Boolean operators (AND/OR). II. Keyword Selection, i.e., Digital Economy OR Internet Economy AND HQED OR Economic Development. III. Inclusion Criteria: The timeframe was 2016-2024, and the language (English) reflects the recent focus on the digital economy in emerging economies. IV. Article Selection: Only peer-reviewed (Double Blind) journal articles were included. V. Exclusion Criteria: After examining abstracts, titles, methodologies, research areas, data analysis, and content quality, relevant papers were included. However, the papers failing to meet the criteria were excluded based on time period, subject area, access type, country, and language. The exclusion process also involved the removal of duplicates. Most articles retained for the SLR focused on China and Russia. However, only studies from China were included in the meta-analysis due to data-related constraints. Most studies did not directly report the required statistics. In such cases, the recommended approach is to contact the study authors and request the needed information. The statistical examination for this meta-analysis consisted of three parts: I. Quantitative Meta-Analysis: This part provided detailed statistics on the effect size, Confidence Interval (CI), and Prediction Interval (PI). II. Subgroup Analysis: This part examined heterogeneity and homogeneity across studies, revealing common factors influencing the results. However, the homogeneity of effect size in one group eliminated the requirement of conducting the moderator analysis, limiting our analysis to the sub-group analysis only. III. Forest Plot Generation: This part visualized the effect sizes from individual studies for the meta-analysis and subgroup analysis. Thus, this dataset has been used for extensive survey of literature and meta-analysis pertaining to the mentioned aim of the study.


Steps to reproduce

Data supporting this study are openly available from (Mendeley Data) at (DOI, 10.17632/8pj3hx3ybt.1)”


National Institute of Technology Srinagar


Economic Development, Economic Development in Emerging Markets, Development of Economics, Digital Economy
