Towards determining the number of observable supermassive black hole shadows: data files

Published: 5 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8pj73cy7vx.1


This repository contains (1) a library of synthetic spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGN), and (2) several tables of black hole shadow source counts as a function of angular resolution, flux density sensitivity, and observing frequency. All of these files have been generated as part of the analysis carried out in Pesce et al. (2021). (1) The SED library has been generated using the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) model described in Appendix A of Pesce et al. (2021). The model SEDs sample the space of black hole mass and mass accretion rate, ranging between 10^5 and 10^11 solar masses in black hole mass and between 10^-10 and 10^-2 times the Eddington rate in mass accretion rate. The models are organized such that the upper directory provides the logarithmic mass and the file name provides the logarithmic Eddington rate. For example, an SED for a black hole with a mass of 10^9 solar masses and an accretion rate of 10^-5 times Eddington would be located at: ./SED_library/logm=9.0/logmdot=-5.0.txt Each table contains two columns, the first listing the frequency (in log Hz, spanning 10^8 to 10^22 Hz) and the second listing the luminosity density (in log erg/s/Hz). Each table also contains header information describing the global parameters: mass (in log solar masses), log accretion rate, peak synchrotron frequency (in log Hz), and electron temperature (in log K). (2) The shadow source counts tables are split into two categories: the "population" source counts have been computed as described in Section 2 of Pesce et al. (2021), and the "interferometric" source counts have been computed as described in Section 3 of Pesce et al. (2021). The tables are organized by type and by observing frequency. For example, the tables containing the interferometric source counts for a 230 GHz observing frequency would be located at: ./source_counts/interferometric_source_counts_230GHz.txt The population tables contain three columns: the first column contains the angular resolution (in log microarcseconds), the second column contains the flux density threshold (in log Jy), the third column contains the optically thin logarithmic source counts. The interferometric tables contain five columns: the first column contains the angular resolution (in log microarcseconds), the second column contains the flux density threshold (in log Jy), the third column contains the logarithmic source counts for seeing photon rings with n >= 0, the fourth column contains the logarithmic source counts for seeing photon rings with n >= 1, and the fifth column contains the logarithmic source counts for seeing photon rings with n >= 2.



Active Galactic Nucleus, Black Hole, Radio Astronomy, Astronomical Interferometry
