VPS4A is the selective receptor for lipophagy in mice and humans, Das et al.
Published: 1 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8pjfmpxb47.1
RAJAT SINGHDescription
Mendeley source data for " VPS4A is the selective receptor for lipophagy in mice and humans, Das et al. " contains the following : 1. The imaging source data main figures: Includes all uncompressed microscopy images, arranged according to the figure number in separate folders. 2. The imaging source data supplemental figures: Includes all uncompressed microscopy images, arranged according to the supplemental figure number in separate folders. 3. Uncropped Blots: Includes all uncropped images of western blots, arranged according to the figure number in separate PDF document.
University of California Los Angeles
Cell Biology