Questionnaire Survey Data on Spatial Conflict in Resettled Communities for Landless Peasants in Hangzhou

Published: 9 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8prjggsb9h.1
Kexi Xu, Jieyu Su, Haijun Bao,


This study constructed a theoretical model of spatial conflict in resettled communities for landless peasants (SCRCs) using spatial production theory and the SOR framework. The stimulus variables include physical and social space factors such as private space quality, public space quality, formal institutions, and informal institutions. The mediating organism variables influencing spatial conflict include residents’ perceptions and emotions. The response variable is the SCRCs resulting from competition over spatial resources in the resettled communities for landless peasants. The questionnaire was divided into three parts. The first part collected background information on the respondents, including gender, age, educational level, occupation, monthly household income, and length of residence, for a total of 10 items. The second part measured the factors affecting SCRCs, categorised into three types: physical, social, and mental space factors. Specifically, physical space factors included private and public space quality, social space factors included formal and informal institutions, and mental space factors included residents’ perceptions and emotions, totalling 36 question items. The third part measured the degree of SCRCs, covering living, production, leisure, interaction, and public space conflicts, with a total of 5 items. Responses were recorded using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). All items were provided in Chinese during the survey.


Steps to reproduce

The study areas chosen are the Shangcheng and Binjiang Districts of Hangzhou City, situated in northwestern Zhejiang Province. The formal investigation was conducted between 20 August and 15 September 2023 using a combination of stratified and random sampling methods. First, the scope of the investigation was determined using stratified street sampling. One street each was selected randomly from the Shangcheng and Binjiang districts. Ten resettled communities for landless peasants (RCs) were selected randomly from the street. Specifically, five RCs in Jianqiao Street in Shangcheng District and five RCs in Changhe Street in Binjiang District, which are typical representatives of Hangzhou’s RCs, were chosen as the formal investigation areas. Finally, 500 residents from the RCs were surveyed. Furthermore, 86% (n=431) completed the questionnaire correctly, whereas 14% (n=69) had missing or invalid data and were discarded.


Urban Conflict, Urban Administration
