Scour protection layer biofoulling fauna
The biofouling taxa from the scour protection layer from the southern North Sea. The data used in this study were extracted from the Biodiversity Information System on Artificial structures (BISAR;, a database holding biological and environmental data related to artificial hard substrates such as offshore renewable devices and oil and gas platforms). The final extracted dataset consisted of 186 SPL samples: 28 from BelWind, 33 from C-Power, 13 from Princess Amalia, 108 from Horns Rev, and 4 from the older gas platform L10-AD. The dataset comprises five sheets, each derived from the raw data. The initial sheet presents the unprocessed dataset, while the second sheet provides the cleaned dataset utilized in the analysis. Additionally, the remaining sheets contain subsets of the cleaned data, specifically extracted for examining various aspects of the manuscript currently under preparation.