
Published: 25 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8s4jscy93m.1
Amir Hossein Souri


Data outputs from the joint inversion study done in HTTP:// The format of the file is MATLAB (.mat). The file consists of: Lat (Latitude coordinates) Lon (Longitude coordinates) AKs_NOx (averaging kernels for top-down NOx) AKs_VOC (averaging kernels for top-down VOC) Ratio_NOx (ratio of the posterior to the prior emissions) Ratio_VOC (ratio of the posterior to the prior emissions) Error_Prior_NOx (error assumed in the a priori, they are in 0-1 relative unit with respect to the prior values). Error_Prior_VOC (error assumed in the a priori, they are in 0-1 relative unit with respect to the prior values). Error_Post_NOx (estimated errors in the a posteriori, they are in 0-1 relative unit with respect to the posterior values). Error_Post_VOC (estimated errors in the a posteriori, they are in 0-1 relative unit with respect to the posterior values).


Steps to reproduce

The data is in MATLAB format (.mat).


Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics


Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Chemistry, Inverse Problem, Emissions
