Deep versus moderate neuromuscular blockade in gynecologic laparoscopic operations: Randomized controlled trial

Published: 20 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8sg3yx672r.1
Nikolaos Kathopoulis, Athanasios Protopapas, Emmanouel Stamatakis, Ioannis Chatzipapas, Dimitrios Zacharakis, Themos Grigoriadis, Stavros Athanasiou, Dimitrios Valsamidis


To investigate whether deep NMB improves surgical conditions and postoperative pain compared to moderate block in patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopic surgery. One hundred forty four patients were randomly assigned to one of the following two groups: Patients on the first group received deep NMB (PTC 0-1) and on the other moderate NMB (TOF 0-1). Primary outcomes included assessing the surgical conditions using a four-grade scale ranging from 0 (extremely poor) to 3 (optimal) and patients' postoperative pain evaluated with a five-grade Likert scale and the analgesic consumption. 1) Patient demographic characteristics and surgical data 2) Surgeon rating of operating field 3) Subroup analysis of surgeons rating on operating field regarding to operations duration 4) Patient rating of postoperative symptoms and postoperative bowel function 5) Postoperative analgesic use 6) Overall incidents of subcutaneous emphysema and subgroup analysis regarding operation duration



National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Data Access
