Thermal Convection in Vesta’s Core from Experimentally-Based Conductive Heat Flow Estimates

Published: 8 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8sk8fk3hmb.1
Oluwasanmi Orole


Electrical resistivity measurements of Fe-5wt%Ni were made in-situ under pressures of 2-5 GPa and temperatures up to 2000 K in a cubic-anvil press. The thermal conductivity was calculated from the measured electrical resistivity data using the Wiedemann–Franz law. Comparison of these data with previous studies on pure Fe and Fe-10wt%Ni shows that a change in the Ni con-tent within the range 0-10wt% Ni has no significant effect on electrical resistivity of Fe alloys. Comparing the estimated adiabatic core heat flux of ~331 MW at the top of Vesta’s core to the range of estimated heat flux through the CMB of 1.5–78 GW, we infer that the mechanism stir-ring Vesta’s liquid outer core to generate its surface magnetic field tens of millions of years in its early history was thermal convection.



Western University


Electrical Resistivity, Thermal Conductivity, Heat Flow
