LGBTQ+ perspective on STEM: Dataset measuring flow experience, performance expectative and performance in gamified tutoring systems

Published: 25 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8spbky66r8.1


This dataset consists of files in CSV format and R language for the following scenarios (hypotheses): H1 (null): There is no significant difference in participants’ flow experiences under the stereotype-boost (when the stereotyped setting is aligned with the person’s sexual orientation) and stereotype-threat (when the stereotyped setting is opposite to the person’s sexual orientation) conditions. H1 (alt): There is a significant difference in participants’ flow experiences under the stereotype-boost and stereotype-threat conditions. H2 (null): There is no significant difference in participants’ flow experiences according to their sexual orientation (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) and stereotyped heterosexual (not.LGBTQ+) and LGBTQ+ settings (stLGBTQ+). H2 (alt): There is a significant difference in participants’ flow experiences according to their sexual orientation (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) and stereotyped heterosexual (not.LGBTQ+) and LGBTQ+ settings (stLGBTQ+). H3 (null): There is a significant difference in participants’ performance expectations under the stereotype-boost and stereotype-threat conditions. H3 (alt): There is a significant difference in participants’ performance expectations under the stereotype-boost and stereotype-threat conditions. H4 (null): There is no significant difference in participants’ performance expectations according to their sexual orientation (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) and stereotyped heterosexual (not.LGBTQ+) and LGBTQ+ setting(stLGBTQ+). H4 (alt): There is a significant difference in participants’ performance expectations according to their sexual orientation (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) and stereotyped heterosexual (not.LGBTQ+) and LGBTQ+ settings (stLGBTQ+). H5 (null): There is no significant difference in participants’ performances under the stereotype-boost and stereotype-threat conditions. H5 (alt): There is a significant difference in participants’ performances under the stereotype-boost and stereotype-threat conditions. H6 (null):There is no significant difference in participants’ performances according to their sexual orientation (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) and stereotyped heterosexual (not.LGBTQ+) and LGBTQ+ settings (stLGBTQ+). H6 (alt): There is significant difference in participants’ performances according to their sexual orientation (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) and stereotyped heterosexual (not.LGBTQ+) and LGBTQ+ settings (stLGBTQ+). Each file comes: - Hypotheses 1 and 2: Code folder with ancova tests. - Hypotheses 3, 4, 5 and 6: Code folder with anova tests. All hypothesis files have: Data folder containing the raw data of the research. Environment folder with Dockerfile. Meta folder with authored files. It pastes results with the final analyzes obtained from the Ancova data in HTML format. The results folder has a subfolder with the files in images in .JPEG format of the results of the hypothesis. The hypotheses source codes can be tested directly by the R Studio application.


Steps to reproduce

In Rstudio: - Open the folder of the hypothesis that will be analyzed. - Navigate to: code folder and open R Anova source file. - Execute each line of the source code (R script) individually. It is necessary to change the files directory in the R script to run correctly.


Computer Science, Education, Expectations, Equity, LGBT, Gamification
