Life Cycle Assessment of a dental implant: from ore extraction to surgical placement - dataset

Published: 27 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8sry4728dk.1


This dataset is linked to the eponymous manuscript "Life Cycle Assessment of a dental implant: from ore extraction to surgical placement". For further details, please read the manuscript or send an email to the first contributor at The tables compile system inventory flows (per stage, step, and alternative system), and compositions for the modeled flows (e.g. medications). The tables are composed by "material/process" lines, which are each linked to a process provider in the database. Each flow components are classified per material/process. This makes it easier to compose the system by aggregating flows into sums, linked to provider processes. The measures ("Measures") are in the unit of the provider, per item measured. The number ("Nb") referes to the amount of those items used in the table's moment. The coefficient ("Coef") referes to the proportion of flow used. To calculate the quantity of a flow component, do Measures x Nb x Coef. For flows with a chemical composition (those whose provider names are followed by "conversion"), it was preferable to create their own ingredient proportion tables, named "composition's tables". In the composition's tables, each ingredient ("Target ingredient") has its proportion in % on the same first line in the "Proportion" column. Some ingredients have a direct provider in the database, and have the same chemical in the "conversion ingredient (proxy)" column. Some do not have a direct associated provider : - If possible, they are modeled by a individualization in several smaller chemicals which are provided in the database, with their proportion relative to the main chemical - If a conversion ingredient is not provided in the database, we follow the finechem method applied for LCA and put under the ingredient another chemical as "proxy" preceded by an arrow (which is provided in the database), with a multiplier ratio ; the proxy chemical is multiplied by this ratio to simulate the environmental impact of the conversion chemical.


Steps to reproduce

For the present Life Cycle Inventory, we used EcoInvent 3.5 APOS, data from Brånemark Integration Sweden AB (Göteborg, Sweden) and Montpellier's University Hospital Center. For the direct measurements, we used a power meter (GB-202 digital PowerMeter, GreenBlue, Tarnowskie Góry, Pologne), a gram scale (Kitchen Scale, Terraillon, Croissy-sur-Seine, France) a microgram scale (W-01-50 Digital Milligram Scale, WAOAW, China), and a retractable tape measure (Self-Locking meter 5 m x 19 mm, Mekano, Toulouse, France). The manufacturer's sensitive data are not showed according to a Non Disclosure Agreement with the company. The proportions of the ingredients in the chemical compositions were approximated by public data. For the chemicals that were not included in the database, we followed the Finechem method applied for LCA. For further details, please read the manuscript or send an email to the first contributor at


Universite de Montpellier Faculte d'Odontologie


Biomaterial, Titanium, Life Cycle Assessment, Dental Care, Oral Implantology
