Published: 27 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8tn3hsy279.1
Arlyson Salles de Almeida


Research dataset on the impact of Business Analytics Capabilities on Exploitation Innovations.


Steps to reproduce

Data were collected from military organizations of the Brazilian Navy by way of a survey that comprised two sections. The first section dealt with demographic information related to the respondents and their organizations, such as gender and age and the location of the organization, while the second contained items related to the conceptual framework presented in the previous section. A verification question, ‘If you are reading this question, respond “Neutral”’ was included in the questionnaire to identify whether the respondent was paying attention to the questions. All the constructs were measured on a five-point Likert scale, where 1 was ‘Strongly Agree’ and 5 was ‘Strongly Disagree’. We calculated the estimated minimum sample size using G*Power software, Version, as recommended by (Faul et al., 2009). We used the following entry parameters: effect size (effect size f2) = 0.15, as recommended by Hair et al. (2009); a significance level of 5% (a err prob); the number of predictors equal to 2, because it refers to the construct or latent variable that receives the highest number of arrows or has the highest number of predictors; and the statistical power of the sample equal to 0.85 (1-b err prob), which is higher than the 0.80 recommended by Hair et al. (2009). The result was a minimum required sample of 76 cases. To provide the model with greater consistency, as recommended, this number was multiplied by thee, resulting in a minimum sample size of 228 observations. To identify any possible misunderstanding with regard to the items we were addressing, the data collection stage began with the application of a pre-test questionnaire involving five experts, who were chosen for their accessibility. Based on the feedback we received, we identified no points that needed improving in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to the business email of 549 officers with the ranks of Lieutenant Commander (LC) and Corvette Captain (CC) in administrative functions in the navy. This selection is justified because these officers work in finance, management, operations and supply activities, and use a reasonable amount of data in their activities. In addition to assuming high-level managerial and advisory roles, similar military personnel are also found in the vast majority of military organizations. The questionnaire was applied using the Qualtrics tool and the respondents email addresses were obtained from the internal systems available in the institution. A total of 549 invitations to participate were sent out and thirteen emails were returned by the provider, probably because of technical problems.


Fundacao Getulio Vargas


Business Analytics
