Analysis of Sound Pressure Levels and Acoustic Intelligibility Indexes in Classrooms on Campus I of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)

Published: 13 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8tph4gkfm8.1
André Sonoda


This project aims to elucidate the sound pressure levels (SPL) and the acoustic intelligibility characteristics of classrooms on Campus I of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)(TALBOTSMITH, 1999, p. 1-12; 5-14; EVEREST, 2001, p. 39; 148-149; EARGLE, 2002, p. 97-98). The initiative is established as the second stage of the research project entitled: analysis of sound pressure levels on Campus I of UFPB, approved by the Department of Digital Media (DEMID/ CCHLA/ UFPB) in 2015 and implemented in 2016, which enabled the identification of sound pressure levels (SPL) in 08 (eight) locations on Campus I of the Institution, characterised by high levels of sound pressure in relation to the thresholds defined as safe by the World Health Organisation (WHO), in auditory and psychophysiological terms (SONODA, 2016a; 2016b; SONODA; PONTES, 2018). This second stage of the research has the purpose of elucidating, exclusively, the internal acoustic context of classrooms on Campus I of UFPB, focusing on analysis of SPL and characteristics of acoustic intelligibility of these environments, both on pedagogical-educational occasions (classes) and in acoustic-structural analyses without the presence of an audience (teachers and students). The methodology will include bibliographic-documentary, acoustic-structural analysis (SPL, intelligibility characteristics, noise sources, reflexion and refraction indices, etc.), in addition to statistical analysis for an adequate interpretation of the identified data. In terms of results, it is expected to elucidate both the contemporary picture corresponding to the acoustic-structural characteristics of classrooms on Campus I of the UFPB and the implications of these aspects in terms of damage to students and federal employees, whether in terms of damage to health of those involved or in terms of negative impacts on student educational productivity. In this sense, the present project establishes itself as an essential mechanism in the sense of pointing out coherent and feasible ways, in terms of institutional measures, for acoustic-structural adaptations in the aforementioned pedagogical environments, in order to enable an increase in the student's educational performance concomitantly to a reduction in the possibilities of health damage for students and federal employees. Keywords: Sound pressure levels (SPL). Acoustic intelligibility. Classrooms. Campus I. Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB).


Steps to reproduce

I - Elucidate the sound pressure levels (SPL) and the acoustic intelligibility indexes of the classrooms of Campus I of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB); II - Determine the implications of acoustic-structural aspects for the pedagogical-educational process developed at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB); III - Point out possible risks to the health of students and federal employees eventually induced by such acoustic-structural characteristics of UFPB classrooms.


Universidade Federal da Paraiba


Acoustics, University, Acoustic Property, Sound
