These data are for the following publications, which compare flow field data collected from a large eddy simulation model of turbulent wind flow over surface gravity waves in strongly forced wind conditions using a wave-following mapped coordinate system: Husain, N.T, T. Hara, and P.P. Sullivan: Wind turbulence over misaligned surface waves and air-sea momentum flux. Part I: Waves following and opposing wind. (Manuscript in preparation) Husain, N.T, T. Hara, and P.P. Sullivan: Wind turbulence over misaligned surface waves and air-sea momentum flux. Part I: Waves following and opposing wind. (Manuscript in preparation) PART I: Includes a comparison of waves following and opposing wind for |c/u*| = 1.4, 2.8, 5.6, 8.2, 11.0 (ratio of wave phase speed to surface friction velocity) corresponding to file designations 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, respectively. From these data, we compare equivalent surface roughness and wave growth rate, as well as horizontally-averaged mapped profiles of the following: - Wind speed, wind shear, and turbulent kinetic energy - Momentum budget (including pressure stress, wave-coherent stress, and turbulent stress) - Energy budget (including shear production, transport, and viscous dissipation) and eddy viscosity We also compare phase-averaged flow fields of the following: - Horizontal and vertical wind speed - Streamlines - Pressure - Turbulent kinetic energy - Dissipation rate - Vorticity (including instantaneous) - Wave-coherent stress - Excess turbulent stress - Pressure, turbulent tangential, and turbulent normal stresses (surface distribution) PART II: Includes a comparison of waves in aligned wind (0 degrees) and oblique wind (45 degrees) for waves following and opposing wind at |c/u*| = 1.4. All quantities from Part I are included in Part II, but also include: - Phase-averaged cross-wave velocity (v) - Phase averaged vorticity magnitude and TKE separated into along-wave and cross-wave components - Instantaneous top-down vorticity magnitude plots - Horizontally averaged profiles of wind velocity, wind shear, and turbulent stress angles - Momentum budget separated into along-wave and cross-wave components - Simulated wind speed, wind shear, and wind stress measurements from a wave-following platform (for Part I and Part II)