Order of Addtion Experiments: five designs and three datasets
Published: 1 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8vyvrkd7tk.1
Joseph VoelkelDescription
1. Experimental Designs for order of addition experiments. For details, see Voelkel, J. G. (2017). The design of order-of-addition experiments. arXiv:1701.02786. (Revised version to appear in Journal of Quality Technology). 2. Data sets from 3 order of addition experiments. In these experiments, abbreviations are used to represent the components. The response is log(LSV/HSV), where L and H are Low and High, SV=shear viscosity of the paint being tested. For more information see the anticipated article in 2019 Quality Engineering, by Voelkel and Gallagher.
Rochester Institute of Technology College of Science
Statistics, Experimental Design