A Case Report on Pleural Effusion Induced by Pulmonary Tuberculosis Reactivation
Published: 27 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8w2vywsj48.1
Lakshmi Narasimha Gunturu, Girirajasekhar DornadulaDescription
we present a case of 78 years old man who admitted in the hospital with complaints of left sided chest pain, shortness of breath and cough associated sputum with fever and had a past medical history of known case of pulmonary tuberculosis and used the anti-tubercular therapy five months back and discontinued the therapy by last one month. Patient had a history of use of Ergotamine tablets for his recurrent headaches as OTC medication. After clear examination this was confirmed as reactivated pulmonary tuberculosis with pleural effusion that is further increased by usage of Ergotamine
Drug Interaction, Clinical Pharmacy