Pre-TomoBreast two-level factorial breast radiotherapy dosimetry, MADD-based penalty score study dataset

Published: 20 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8w3ckgmt84.1
Vincent Vinh-Hung


Data of manuscript: Two-level factorial pre-TomoBreast pilot study of tomotherapy and conventional radiotherapy in breast cancer: post hoc utility of a mean absolute dose deviation penalty score. Technol Cancer Res Treat. Jan-Dec 2020;19:1533033820947759 Software and data to reproduce the manuscript's factorial analysis. • dvhs.txt, tab delimited text file, digitized dose-volume histograms of the PTVs. • tab2.txt, tab delimited text file, same data as tab2.xls, reproduces manuscript's Table 2 with MADD of the PTVs and score columns empty, awaiting to be computed with the script. • share_02.txt, R script to compute Table 2's corresponding MADDs and scores. Not to be run out of the box, part of the code needs to be completed, as referenced in the script. Additional info: protocol, procedures, tables, and original DVHs: • maddapplied_suppl_7_final.docx



Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel


Radiation Therapy, Breast Cancer, Dosimetry in Radiotherapy
