Data relevant to the study "Uplift dynamics of the obducted northeastern continental margin of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman"
These data are presented in the study "Uplift dynamics of the obducted northeastern continental margin of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman" The data series here are comprised of a series of thin section photos and handspecimens presented in the manuscript. It also contains handspecimens photos of samples that they are dated by carbon-14 and Optical Stimulated Luminescence. The raw data reports are included. Also a real time kinematic topographic survey data are given along with the base station coordinations. The average elevations used in the study are calculated within the excel file. Finally, Insar-dem data are also provided, and an info text is supplied within the file
European Space Agency
Sorbonne University in Abu Dhabi
ID 3325, ID 3405 and ID 3335