Correlation of anxiety, behaviour on working memory among young adults

Published: 23 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8wpk97gskj.1
janki shandilya,


The study's goal is to ascertain how behavior and anxiety affect health. Among college-bound kids, worry can have a major effect on working memory. To effectively support students in controlling their anxiety and increasing their overall well-being, it is imperative to comprehend the pathways via which anxiety affects cognitive function and behavior. The participants were chosen from among a number of college-bound students, and their conduct and the effect of worry on their working memory were assessed using an online survey. The outcome indicates that women are more affected than men. It was found that college students who were well-behaved and free of anxiety were also generally in good health. The most affected were 62% and 38%. According to the study's findings, anxiety and behavior problems among college students are common, with female students experiencing these issues more often than male students.



Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


Men's Health, Anxiety, Women's Studies, Working Memory
