Australian Agricultural Drought Indicators (AADI) regional indicator evaluation data
Data for the paper "Monitoring agricultural and economic drought: the Australian Agricultural Drought Indicators (AADI)" Data sources include AADI historical data, ABARES AAGIS, ABS Data-by-region (see paper for details). Two files are included one for AAGIS region data, and one for LGA (ABS Data-by-region) data. Variable descriptions are below. Variable labels: "FBP_pfe_hat_ha_drought_perc": "Farm profit (climate only)", "FBP_pfe_hat_ha_profit_perc": "Farm profit (climate price)", "csa_wheat_yield_perc": "Wheat yield", "csa_sorghum_yield_perc": "Sorghum yield", "csa_pasture_growth_perc": "Pasture (AADI)", "W_pasture_TSDM_perc_perc": "Pasture (AussieGRASS)", "W_FY_rain_ag_zone_mask_perc": "Annual (Jul-Jun.) rainfall", "W_winter_rain_winter_crop_zone_mask_perc": "Apr.-Oct. rainfall (winter)", "W_win_sum_perc": "Apr.-Mar. rainfall (winter and summer)", "total_claims_dot": "Annual FHA claims lodged (per total number of agricultural businesses) ", "house_transfers_dot": "House transfer numbers per 1000 population", "dwelling_transfers_dot": "Dwelling transfer numbers per 1000 population", "insolvencies_dot": "Personal insolvencies per 1000 population", "H_wheat_dot": "Wheat yield (AAGIS)", "H_sorghum_dot": "Sorghum yield (AAGIS)", "FBP_pfe": "Farm business profit", "Z_conditions": "Farmer seasonal conditions assessment", "Z_conditions_4": "Farmer drought assessment", "livestock_fertility": "Livestock fertility (net births rate)", "number_jobs_dot": Job numbers per capita, "number_agjobs_dot": Agricultural job numbers per capita, "total_employee_income_dot2": Total employee income per capita, "total_own_uninc_bus_income_dot2": Total unincorporated business income per capita, "total_income_dot2": Total income per capita, "bus_ext_sml_dot": Small business exits (turnover < 200,000) (per 1000 small businesses) , "Births_dot": Births per 1000 population, "Deaths_dot": Deaths per 1000 population, "net_internal_mig_dot": Net internal migration per 1000 population