Uppsala University Pressurized water reactor spent nuclear fuel data library
The data is extracted from burnup and depletion calculations with the Serpent2 code. The simulations were done with a 2D PWR fuel pin cell geometry, for both initial UO2 and MOX fuel load for a wide range of initial enrichments (IE) or initial plutonium content (IPC), discharge burnup (BU) and cooling time (CT). The fuel library contains the atomic density of 279 nuclides (fission products and actinides), the total spontaneous fission rate, total photon emission rate, activity and decay heat at 789,406 different BU, CT, IE configurations for UO2 fuel and at 531,991 different BU, CT, IPC configurations for MOX fuel. The fuel library is organized in a comma separated value file, thus its further analysis is possible and simple. The file has 288 columns and 1,321,397 rows in addition to the header row. The first column contains an index, the next 8 columns are: - 'BU' (Discharge burnup value in MWd/kgU) - 'CT' (Cooling time in days) - 'IE' (Initial enrichment for UO2 and initial plutonium content (%(Pu + Am) / Heavy metal) for MOX) - 'fuelType' (Description of the fuel type. Takes the value of ‘UOX’ or ‘MOX’ for UO2 and MOX fuel, respectively.) - 'TOT_SF' (Spontaneous fission rate in fissions per second on a per axial length basis) - 'TOT_GSRC' (Photon emission rate in photons per second on a per axial length basis) - 'TOT_A' (Activity in Becquerels on a per axial length basis) - 'TOT_H' (Decay heat in Watts on a per axial length basis) The next 279 columns contain atomic densities in [1E24/cm3] units for 279 different nuclides, each named with their respective chemical element symbol and the mass number concatenated (eg. Cs137 for Cesium-137). When applicable the metastable state is highlighted with “m” at the end of the string.