Analyzing the Randomness of the USEncryption Block Cipher

Published: 2 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/8z6cr3sy9v.1
Carlos Santiago Bañón, Eduardo Mucciolo, Claudio Chamon, Leandro Veltri


This repository contains the datasets generated and analysis code for the “Analyzing the Randomness of the USEncryption Block Cipher” study performed by USEncryption. Testing the randomness of a block cipher is a key step for analyzing its overall security. This report provides a thorough analysis of randomness for the USEncryption block cipher using both the NIST and Dieharder statistical test suites. Our results show that continuous strings of random bits generated using this cipher with the recommended configuration in output feedback (OFB) mode indeed appear to be random and comparable to the randomness of the state-of-the-art 256-bit AES block cipher. This new cipher is a critical building block to a pioneering Encrypted Operator Computing (EOC) method being developed by USEncryption to enable the processing of encrypted data. The main use case for this technology is the ability to share confidential data with privacy and security, allowing non-trusted parties to extract insights from the confidential encrypted data, without actually seeing the plaintext.


Steps to reproduce

For steps to reproduce the findings, please refer to the README file found in this repository.


Cybersecurity, Cryptography, Encryption, Statistical Hypothesis Testing


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

