Mono Temporal Disaster City 3D Dataset (C3DO)
C3DO is a 3D point cloud reconstruction of concrete buildings, with an emphasis on damaged façades. It was generated by reconstructing a 4.5-acre region in the Disaster City® facility using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner system. This dataset consists of a total of 376,006,839 points that were captured with a precision of 5 significant digits (up to 10-5 m). XYZ coordinates of each point including the corresponding RBG value to represent the texture are published in the “C3DO.txt” file. Individual panels in the dataset are manually delineated and points are rounded to 10-3 m, followed by the deletion of duplicate points. XYZ coordinate data are saved based on the panel ID in the sub-directories with a name corresponding to the building they are mounted on. They are presented in the “CompletePanels” sub-directory of the “PanelsXYZ” directory. Following this, individual points in the sampled panels are labeled as either damaged or undamaged. Data annotations are performed manually by visual interpretation. The damaged points are shared based on the panel ID in the “DamagedPoints” subdirectory of the “PanelsXYZ” directory.
College of Engineering, Texas A and M University
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Station
U.S. Combat Capabilities Development Command - Army Research Laboratory