δ65Cu isotopic fractionation in coral tissue: A biomarker of holobiont photophysiology following volcanic ash exposure (Original data)
Published: 19 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/924gz5795p.1
Frank FörsterDescription
This original data contains the results of physiological measurements (photosynhtetic parameters, photosynthesis and respiration rates) on individual Stylophora pistillata coral nubbins, and chemical analysis results of the minor and trace element composition, including Fe, Cu and Zn isotopic composition of coral tissue, its symbionts, and of unaltered and pristine volcanic ash.
Universite de Geneve departement des sciences de la Terre
Physiology, Volcanic Exposure, Photobiology, Coral Reef, Biomarker Discovery, Volcanic Aerosol, Isotope Biogeochemistry