Commercial Nuclear Reactor Fractional Fission Rate database from FISPIN10A calculations for AGR, PWR and BWR

Published: 28 February 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/92523hssgv.2
Robert Mills,


The fractional fission rates of the nine most important nuclides in AGR, BWR and PWR uranium dioxide nuclear fuel were calculated using the FISPIN10A code for a typical range of uranium enrichments (weight percentage of \(^{235}\) U wrt U) and power ratings (MW/t). The irradiation, aka burnup or exposure, range covered was zero to 51 in steps of 1 (GWd/t). These can be used to calculate aggregate properties of nuclear fuel where the property differs between different fissioning systems. In version 2, for the higher enrichments of BWR fuels (3 and 4 Wt%) and PWR fuels (4 and 5 Wt%) where higher burnups are potentially achievable the maximum burnup was increased to 61 GWd/t.



National Nuclear Laboratory Ltd


Nuclear Fuel
