Improvements made to the surgical procedure of cathetrization of the portal vein in pigs
Raw data related to the surgical procedure and the post-operative care of pigs submitted to the catheterization of the portal vein and the carotide artery.
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Data presented here was generated through comparisons between raw observational data collected under different studies using the same surgical procedure. Detailed material and methods can be found in doi: 10.1093/jas/skz238. Briefly, pigs averaging 50 kg of bodyweight and 80 days of age were submitted to a surgical procedure for the catheterization of the portal vein and carotid artery and the installation of a flow probe around the portal vein. A catheter was inserted in the portal vein at approximately 2.5 cm before its entry into the liver and an ultrasonic flow probe was installed around the portal vein 1.0 cm distal to the catheter. Another catheter was inserted through the carotid artery up to the junction between the carotid and subclavian arteries. After surgery, animals were penned individually and fed a conventional growing-phase diet in a single daily meal according to their bodyweight. Seven to 10 d after surgery, when animals have fully recovered appetite and normal growth rate, they were gradually adapted during 3 to 5 d to the metabolic cage (with free access to water) and to the consumption of a semi-purified diet containing cornstarch. Catheters were assessed daily for the evaluation of patency. Raw data related to animals’ health and recovery of animals post-surgery were recorded through observation as part of the daily routine of the experimental pig facility.