Test Validation of Extension-Twisting Coupled Laminates with Matched Orthotropic Stiffness.

Published: 1 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/92s86j8hny.1
Christopher York


This dataset contains raw and processed test and simulation data that underpins an experimental validation study for three classes of coupled laminate with matching Extension-Twisting coupling. The designs have matching orthotropic stiffness, in both extension and bending, and have been chosen specifically to investigate the influence of mechanical Extension-Shearing and/or Bending-Twisting on the performance of Extension-Twisting coupled designs under axial tension loads. All designs are Hygro-Thermally Curvature Stable (HTCS) or warp-free. An Electronic Annex to the article is also provided, which contains specimen data and Abaqus input files from which the simulations can be reproduced.



Singapore Institute of Technology


Composite Laminate, Laminate Mechanics
