Test Validation of Extension-Twisting Coupled Laminates with Matched Orthotropic Stiffness.

Published: 22 January 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/92s86j8hny.2
Christopher York


This dataset contains raw and processed test and simulation data that underpins an experimental validation study for three classes of coupled laminate with matching Extension-Twisting coupling. The designs have matching orthotropic stiffness, in both extension and bending, and have been chosen specifically to investigate the influence of mechanical Extension-Shearing and/or Bending-Twisting on the performance of Extension-Twisting coupled designs under axial tension loads. All designs are Hygro-Thermally Curvature Stable (HTCS) or warp-free. An Electronic Annex to the article is also provided, which contains specimen data and Abaqus input files from which the simulations can be reproduced. Supplementary Note: It was not thought possible that zero Extension-Shearing coupled compliances, a16 and a26, could be achieved in the presence of Bending-Twisting coupled stiffnesses, when matching both Extension-Twisting (and inseparable Shearing-Bending) coupled stiffnesses and orthotropic Extensional and Bending stiffnesses. However, this was due to an oversight whilst interrogating the laminate databases. These designs have therefore been provided in a further supplement to the electronic annex to this article, since they do not affect any of the conclusions drawn.



Singapore Institute of Technology


Composite Laminate, Laminate Mechanics
