Data for: Receiver function imaging of mantle transition zone discontinuities and the origin of volcanism beneath Libya
Published: 31 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/92xk3f4vvb.1
Awad Lemnifi, Nassib Aouad, Abdelsalam Elshaafi, Youqiang Yu, John BrowningDescription
Results of receiver function stacking for each of the circles. The columns are: clon - longitude of the circle's center clat - latitude of the circle's center d410 - depth of the d410 sig4 - standard deviation of the depth of the d410 d660 - depth of the d660 sig6 - standard deviation of the depth of the d660 MTZ - Mantle Transition Zone thickness sigm - standard deviation of MTZ thickness a4 - stacking amplitude of the d410 a6 - stacking amplitude of the d660 NRFs - Number of receiver functions in the circle Note that a value of zero is given to the depth if the Pds arrival is not well-defined.
Saving, Receiver