Cross-modal distractor-induced blindness, Shape

Published: 5 August 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/93nxgxntbk.2
Sophie Hanke,


Behavioral as well as EEG data of a cross-modal experiment, which investigated the distractor-induced blindness effect on target detection elicited by the visual target (and distractor) feature shape. The auditory cue was defined by an increase in volume of a sinusoidal continuous tone. The data include the factors 'number of distractors' (0 vs. 1 vs. 3-4 vs. 5-6) and cue-target 'Stimulus Onset Asynchrony' (0 vs. 300 ms), as well as 'target presence' (absent vs. present) and 'distractor number' (high vs. low). Raw and aggregated data files are provided. A short description of the data files can be found in the dedicated "README" file.



Freie Universitat Berlin


Psychology, Attention, Behavioral Psychology, Cross-Modal Perception, Consciousness, Neuropsychology
